Table of Contents

Controller Infomation

Controller Parts

Different Modes

Yuancon Setup

Frequently Asked Questions

Controller Infomation

Button Options

Button Size





Chinese BT: 60*60mm 60g 0.25N (Omron, model VX-5-1A2) 43x21x6.8cm (knob 2.8cm) 4.2kg
Sanwa FX: 50*33mm 0.49N (Omron, model D2MV-01-1C3)
START: 33*33mm

Controller Parts

BT Button

FX Button

Start Button




Sanwa Sanwa Sanwa 20g 25g Wedge Clear
Chinese Chinese Chinese 40g 50g
60g 100g

Check out Rhythm Cons for more links :D

Different Modes

The mode you selected will be saved on board.

Yuancon Setup

Unnamed SDVX Clone

Without Firmware Update:

  1. Use Mode 3.

  2. Head to the Settings menu and click on the Input tab.

  3. Set Button input mode and Laser input mode to Controller and set Selected Controller to Yuancon.

  4. Now head to the top where it says Key Bindings and map your controller.

  5. You can now adjust the Laser sensitivity to your liking. However, it's recommended to use a sensitivity of 1.875 or a number that you're comfortable with.

  6. If you're hitting notes too early or late, then click on the Game tab and then click on Calibrate Offsets to help adjust. Additionally you can use a chart named Calibration from to help aswell.

  7. Done. Have fun!

With Firmware Update:

  1. Use Mode 1.

  2. Head to the Settings menu and click on the Input tab.

  3. Set Button input mode to Keyboard and set Laser input mode to Mouse.

  4. Now head to the top where it says Key Bindings and map your controller.

  5. You can now adjust the Laser Sensitivity by clicking on Calibrate Laser Sensitivity.

  6. You should also change the Song Select Sensitivity Multiplier to 1.5 or a number that you're comfortable with.

  7. If you're hitting notes too early or late, then click on the Game tab and then click on Calibrate Offsets to help adjust. Additionally you can use a chart named Calibration from to help aswell.

  8. Done. Have fun!

K-Shoot Mania

  1. Use Mode 3.

  2. Go to Option, then Key Configuration.

  3. On the bottom where it says "Keyboard 1", press right twice to change it to "Gamepad 1"

  4. Map your buttons using the arrow keys and your controller. (you won't be able to map knobs which is normal)

  5. Press Esc, then go to Input / Judgement settings.

  6. Scroll down to Input Type of Laser Object, then select Analog Stick X/Y.

  7. Adjust knob sensitivity at Slider/Mouse signal sensitivity.

  8. Restart the game.

  9. Done. Have fun!

source: stlr_lly on Discord


  1. Use Mode 3 but if that doesn't work then you can use this program.

Frequently Asked Questions

The controller uses a 2.5mm Hex Allen key to unscrew the knobs and case. If you have a v1 Yuancon, you'd need a size #2 screwdriver to open the case.
It takes one week to build the controller and 5 to 7 days to be delivered, depending on the country.
Yes, you can either print or cut the paper in the following dimensions:
  • BT: 4.6x4.6cm
  • FX: 3.7x1.9cm
  • START: 2.1x2.1cm

After you've printed or cut the paper, you'll have to disassemble the controller now.

If your knobs are feeling too loose or tight then check the video below.

You can sand the edges of the button to help out. You can also check the video below on how to clean your buttons.

It's relatively easy to install new buttons or springs. Check the first video for v1 and the second video for v2. If you're switching from stock to Sanwa, check the third video.

Check the video below to see how it's done. It can take a bit of time for the first time.

If you've received any damaged parts, add and message yuan0312 on discord. You can also join the discord server at:
This varies from country to country, so you'll have to look up the import taxes for your country. Some customers received their controller without having to pay taxes.
CMOD: Constant Hi-Speed with no changes. (cheater mod)
XMOD: Multiply by BPM. (default sdvx hispeed behavior)
MMOD: Finely tuned speed that can be locked in to persist between songs. (sdvx floating hispeed behavior with double tap start/red number when locked in)
Yes, there's multiple guides on how to build your own SDVX Controller. There's an SDVX Controller & Pocket SDVX guide.
Try using a USB 2.0/3.0 port and make sure if you're using a USB HUB that it has enough power to run the controller. If that doesn't solve the issue, open the case and check if there's anything unplugged.
To make the button lights brighter, you can do so by disconnecting the RGB lights. Another way to do so is to short all the resistors marked "RL," but that may void your warranty.(Works on older cons that had leds with resistors. DO NOT ATTEMPT ON NEWER CONS). You can also buy a Roxy.

Yuancon doesn't support Linux officially, but it can work on Linux with a few steps. There's three methods currently available.

Method 1:
  • Xorg display server
  • The controller must be in Mode 1

  1. Install evdev
  2. Create a file named 10-yuancon.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ containing these lines:
    Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "Yuancon"
        MatchProduct "YuanCon YuanCon Mouse"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "evdev"
  3. Restart the X server or your PC
  4. source: stlr_lly on Discord

Method 2:
  • Xorg display server
  • The controller must be in Mode 3

  1. Install libinput
  2. Create a file named 10-yuancon.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ containing these lines:
    Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "Yuancon"
        MatchProduct "YuanCon YuanCon Mouse"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "libinput"
  3. Restart the X server or your PC
  4. source: Oxystyle#3791 on Discord

Method 3:
  • The controller must be in Mode 1

  1. Create a file named 99-yuancon-sdvx.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ containing these lines:
          ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", \
          ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="51bf", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="2101", \
  2. Afterwards use udevadm control --reload-rules to reload.
  3. source: clam#9791 on Discord

You can use Silicone or Lithium based lubricant. DO NOT USE VASELINE OR WD-40.

You can try adding more solder if it's loose, or if it's broken, you can solder it back using the video below as a demonstration. If you don't want to take that route, you can also message yuan0312 on discord for a replacement.

Yes, there is! It's called Roxy and is designed by vxzk.


Yes, there's quite a few discords. There's K-Shoot Mania, Cons&Stuff, and Unnamed SDVX Clone. If you know of any other discord, please let me know :)

If you're having any issues with USC check out their FAQ page here.

SDVX I-II songs pack are taken from here, while SDVX III-IV are taken from K-Shoot Mania Discord and their difficulty were updated for VW rerates using KshootmaniaDifficultyChanger. They also include VividWave diff changes KSH replacement from the KSM discord server. SDVX V packs are taken from here and SDVX VI packs from here and are from the K-Shoot Mania discord server.

If you'd like a custom acrylic panel, you must first design it and then send it to yuan0312 on discord. The cost of the custom acrylic panel is $35 at the time of writing. If you would like the SVG file for YuanCon, click here. If you would like the PSD file for YuanCon, click here.

Try to unplug any gamepad device you might've and see if it works. If not, then head to the USC directory and open Main.cfg, then look for Controller_DeviceID and set it to 0, and that should fix it.